Susan Young

Book a 1:1 Consultation with Susan (free)

Susan Young is a certified holistic coach dedicated to helping overgiving creative women turn their attention inward and honor their own needs. She guides them in finding their voice, becoming their best self-advocate, and taking charge of their happiness and purpose, enabling them to live vibrant, authentic lives with ease.

With a background in business, art, and design, and decades of workplace consulting, Susan brings a unique perspective to the intersection of creativity, personal growth, and tangible results.

Coaching with compassion, Susan draws from her lifetime of people-pleasing and nine years of experience deconstructing and rebuilding her life with intention, starting at almost 49. She is passionate about helping the many women on similar paths.

Special communities: My coaching also includes a focus on ADHD, neurodiversity, LGBTQAI+ issues, and addiction recovery, offering compassionate support based on my own lived experiences.


