Our Story…

We all have a story.  Our stories hold incredible lived wisdom and insight.  There is incredible value in having a conversation with someone who has charted a path through the woods that lie ahead of you now.  These conversations enable us to feel less alone, inspire, reduce stigma and have been actually scientifically proven to boost mental well-being.  This relationship has great benefits for both the story sharers and the support seekers - it is a truly magical force.  One that is recognized by healthcare researchers, including our U.S. Surgeon General.  

But finding the path to connect is really hard!  That is why we created SAYge Link. 

After launching our beta platform which had more than a thousand women who joined from seven countries around the globe, we are now creating our vision.  We are building an AI powered platform that leverages story sharing to match women with peer and professional support from someone who has personally navigated the same challenges they are facing.  Our platform will provide support on any life issue, from someone who understands, whenever they need it.

These are the facts: 89% of women lack someone to identify with when going through a life issue and 92% of female social media users don't have someone to talk to when they need it.  Mental health is worsening and loneliness is an epidemic despite ever more digital connectedness.  We need to rethink how we are connecting to support each other.  It’s time for women to have an authentic safe space for real and valuable conversations with women who understand.  It’s time for SAYge.

SAYge Link Mobile

SAYge Link uses the power of story sharing and AI-matching to connect women for peer & professional support from someone who has personally navigated the same challenges they are facing .

Find someone who has been there