Linda York Chance

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I am a woman who has had many roles, interests and lived experiences. I have been a pediatrician, stay at home mom, holistic practitioner and spiritual seeker. I am currently working alongside my daughter as an ADHD/Executive Function and Family Life Coach at our practice in Portland, Maine.

Throughout my life, I have been surrounded by loved ones and friends with ADHD. I have been drawn to the energy, creativity and brilliance that ADHDers bring to life; I have also experienced the chaos and stress that their behavior can create. Supporting a person with ADHD, while also prioritizing your own needs and boundaries, can be a complicated balancing act but can be manageable with guidance. ADHD often runs in families, which means a family approach to coaching can be very helpful and important.

My practice involves creating space for parents and significant others to learn about ADHD, identify helpful boundaries and to effectively support their loved one with this brain difference. I also validate and support clients who are coping with stress related to navigating their relationship with a person with ADHD. If any of this sounds like part of your personal story, then I would be happy to connect with you for a complimentary consultation.

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Learn about her ADHD support group here