Dr. Jill Foreman

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I started dieting as a teenager and for decades, I lost and gained and lost and gained. And when I gained, I didn’t understand why. I didn’t know that I was eating because of unmet needs and trouble feeling my emotions. Even though I've been a licensed psychologist since 1997, and I've helped lots and lots of people, I couldn’t figure out how to help myself. And even though I’ve had years of my own talk therapy, my therapist didn’t know how to give me exactly what I needed. I’ve been through it all: having four sizes of clothing and nothing to wear, avoiding activities because of my weight, feeling devastated by comparing myself to others, doing crazy amounts of cardio to try to manage my weight, feeling afraid of the holidays because of the food…I’ve been there! Finally, I tried coaching to work on these problems, and it all started to shift. I learned that it’s not about the food, it’s about what’s going on in my brain. I learned how to manage my mind, change my thinking, process my feelings instead of eat them, and quit beating myself up. I also stopped agonizing over my weight and started focusing on the rest of my life. I worked out how to separate my dieting struggles from the rest of me, so that my happiness didn’t go up and down with my size. I figured out how to live exactly how I wanted, no matter what was happening on the scale. It was a true transformation, so powerful that I decided to shift careers and become trained and certified as a life coach, so that I could help other women in this same way. I truly believe that coaching is the perfect approach to address these problems. So, I combined all of my experience as a licensed psychologist, a certified coach, the client of both, and my own personal struggles, to create a unique approach to overcome emotional eating, and make peace with body and food. This work is my passion, my mission and my heart!

Website: www.drjillforeman.com

Facebook Group: The Emotional Eating Solution for Midlife Women

IG: @drjillforeman