Aimee Schenkel


If you had asked me when I was young what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you a doctor. But that was before I realized how hard math and science were going to be. When that plan didn’t work out for me, I chose to become a lawyer, but that didn’t end up being a passion for me either and I quickly learned that I wanted to go in a different direction.

I spent much of my career in sales and client services, but my love for health and wellness has always pulled me to go in that direction. So, I combined all of my past life experiences and used them to become a lifestyle mentor and Reiki Practitioner.

I love my health and wellness businesses and spend my days sharing Reiki, and happily promoting proactive and clean nutrition products. In addition, I am a CPR instructor and I lead a pod (chapter) of a national women’s empowerment organization. All of these areas feed my passion for health and wellness and allow me to help you feel comfortable in your mind, body and soul.


