Audre Rickard

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In this Real Stories recorded 2 part event we heard from two incredible women who have come through the other side of divorce and are now helping other women be empowered and less stigmatized as they navigate their way through it!

In this, part one, episode we hear from Audre Rickard is a divorced single woman and mother to two girls. Through her divorce, she discovered how important it was to not do it alone. She decided no one would go it alone either. Audre founded Saturated Grace to be a refuge in their crisis.

Audre brings wisdom, hope, grace, love and compassion to those in crisis. She offers one-on-one Coaching, Spiritual Direction sessions and Saturated Grace Groups. She is a Spiritual Companion, group facilitator, Editor, coach, and speaker. She faces hard things every day. She knows living gently is as much a value as it is a pursuit and believes your story unfolds in the light of who you are and what your next step is.