Real wisdom,
Real Support
Connect with women who have been there
SAYge Link is redefining digital support for women with a platform based in empathetic, guided story sharing. Using the power of shared lived experiences, we instantly connect you to personalized support network of peers and coaches who can best help you.
Learn about our story
The SAYge App
We are creating an unprecedented platform that will enable you to seamlessly share your story to help those on the path behind and get the support you need for your path ahead. A network of women who have your back, in your back pocket.
Are you a founder or business owner?
Join our founder support journey & newsletter (free)
Each week two female business owners divulge their authentic stories and lessons learned and are there to chat if you want to dive deeper. Curated discussions, resources from pros and more to your inbox every Monday.
SAYge Link connects you with the support you need now. A network that understands and is ready to listen, share and offer valuable resources, at your fingertips.
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Partner with SAYge
Get in touch to talk about partnering to bring better support to women in your community!